Wednesday 29 August 2012

Health Checkup

I am always thankful that I worked in a company who provide free basic health check up for us every year. They even arranged for the health check up to be done in our office and during our office hours! I had always signed up for the test since they first started. They also offered us with more comprehensive check up which we need to top up a bit. I tried to do a more comprehensive check up every 3 years.

So far, I am glad to say I have been in pink of health with no high risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes. I have to say this pink of health doesn't come by naturally but rather due to my high awareness of health issue. Since my health suffered in 2001, I have been taking good care of myself. I research a lot and read up a lot. It is a little sad to say I didn't blog down my experience then. What a waste. But nevertheless, I will try to recall as much as possible and share over here.

Right now, what I did is to exercise twice a week, take Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin E daily and control what I eat. I tried to do detox every once in a while to flush out the toxins in my body. I always feel good after my detox session but I got to admit this is something not easy to do or follow. I will share more about it when I have my next detox session.

Nevertheless, this year. my company organised a visceral fat test for us for the first time. According to the write up I have, high visceral fat surrounding your internal organs will lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke and diabetes! I am glad to say I passed the test as I fall within the ideal range. My body age is also 4 years younger than my actual age (beaming :P). However, my body fat is a bit slightly higher than acceptable range although I am not over weight at all. So I guess I will have to find out a bit more about this issue.

It is a little sad to hear that 90% of my colleagues failed the visceral fats and most of them fall in the high risk range. It is mainly due to lack of exercise and the food they ate. So it really took a lot of discipline to maintain good health. However, you will be thankful for it when you find yourself feeling good everyday. Since I started to take good care of my health, I seldom fell sick. (Believe it or not, from the period of 2001 to 2003, I have giddy spells every 2 weeks which lead to vomitting as well and I am always looking dull and my skin is horrible!) The lady who did the visceral fats test today for me told me I look so radiant and bright that from my look, she knew that I am very healthy and the test confirmed it.

Health is very important to me now and I took care of myself and my 2 little gals age 6 and 4. They are also both very healthy and seldom fell sick as I plan their diets and always bring them out for exercise once a week. I do not restrict snack and ice cream totally. I allowed them to eat these (they are children afterall) but not until they had their main meals and they are to drink a lot of water after that. :)

Hope to share more about health issue again soon.

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